Sustainable NRT 2050

Narita International Airport will seek to create an environment-friendly, recycling-oriented Eco-Airport through a series of environmental initiatives undertaken from a global perspective so that Narita Airport can continue developing into the future.
In light of the changes in the environment surrounding airports, we have established "Sustainable NRT 2050", to set out the direction of our initiatives leading up to fiscal 2050. NAA Group will not only take action as a group, but will also strengthen cooperation with stakeholders to address their aligned actions to mitigate climate change together with all parties involved at Narita Airport.

At Narita Airport, we will set and carry out environmental initiatives in four categories: Community environment initiatives, resource recycling initiatives, climate change initiatives and environment management. "Sustainable NRT 2050" sets medium- and long-term numerical targets for reducing CO2 emissions for all stakeholders at Narita Airport to pursue and continue their efforts to further advance "climate change initiatives".

To continuously striving for an environment-friendly, recycling-oriented eco-airport, the Eco-Airport Development and Planning Council, which is made up of airport-related business entities including airlines and air freight forwarders, plays a central role in analyzing environmental measures and undertaking environmental initiatives from a variety of perspectives.

Sustainable NRT 2050. NAA Group’s mid-long term strategy geared towards a net zero airport by FY2050.